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How Did Teleios Begin?

The genesis of Teleios is both serendipitous and providential.


March 2019
Some teachers in the International Churches of Christ (hereafter ICOC), Gregg Marutzky, David Pocta, Steve Kinnard and others, had promoted the idea of a peer-reviewed journal to address the intersection of academic theological work and discipleship.


October 2019
Alex Hunter, cofounder of the Disciples Center for Education (hereafter DCE), himself a Master of Divinity graduate of Harding University, proposed the idea of a journal to accompany the DCE vision for furthering theological education. A week later, at the fall meeting of the ICOC teachers in San Diego, the value proposition was formally discussed and enthusiastically accepted.


January 2020
The DCE officially commissioned the journal project with Steve Kinnard at the helm as general editor.


March 2020
The ICOC teachers hosted a Teachers Forum at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. Scholars from outside of the ICOC were invited to speak candidly about the strengths and weaknesses that they perceived within the ICOC. Relationships were strengthened across the greater Stone-Campbell Movement.


April - July 2020
Steve Kinnard and the advisory board assembled an exceptional Editorial Board for Teleios with scholars from various tribes of the Stone-Campbell Movement, many from the relationships that had been cemented at the March Teachers Forum. World-renowned Crossroad Publishing agreed to publish the bi-annual journal.


February 2021
The first issue will arrive in inboxes and mailboxes around the world.


Special Thanks
The shared vision of the DCE, the ICOC teachers, and scholars across the Stone-Campbell tradition ignited a vision that has been made possible by the generous backing of the DCE.

Why Publish a New Scholarly Journal?

The Apostle Paul used this word, teleios, to state his purpose for writing to the churches in Colossae, Laodicea, and Heirapolis, “It is he (Christ) whom we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature (teleios) in Christ” (Colossians 1:28). This verse serves as the mission statement of the Teleios Society and the Teleios Journal. The Editorial Board and the Advisory Board of Teleios prays that this journal “may present everyone teleios in Christ.”

Who is Behind Teleios, the Journal?

Teleios is honored to have a distinguished group of scholars on its Editorial Board. Members of the Editorial Board have three tasks: (1) to offer advice to the journal concerning its direction and the execution of its primary goals, (2) to provide peer review of the academic articles, and (3) to submit articles for publication in the journal. Members of the Editorial Board come from the Church of Christ, the Christian Church (Independent), and the ICOC.


Teleios is honored to have a distinguished group of scholars on its Editorial Board:

G. Steve Kinnard, Rocky Mountain School of Ministry and Theology

Managing Editor
Mary Beth Bowen, Oblate School of Theology

Poetry/Short Fiction Editor
Nathan Shank, Oklahoma Christian University

Book Review Editor
James Becknell, Harding School of Theology


Music Review Editor 

Bradley Detrick, University of Miami


Photography Editor
Sissi Hopper, School of Visual Arts, New York City

The Editorial Board
Dudley Chancey, Oklahoma Christian University
Trevor Cochell, Lincoln Christian University 
Douglas Foster, Abilene Christian University (Scholar in Residence)
John Mark Hicks, Lipscomb University
Douglas Jacoby, Lincoln Christian University
Jennifer Konzen, Point Loma Nazarene University 
Gregg Marutzky, Rochester University 
Jamila Michener, Cornell University
David Pocta, Oblate School of Theology
Edward Robinson, Texas College
Gabriel Santos, Virginia State University
Nick Zola, Pepperdine University

The Advisory Board
G. Steve Kinnard, Editor (
Mary Beth Bowen, Managing Editor (
Nathan Shank, Poetry/Short Fiction Editor (
James Becknell, Book Review Editor (
Sissi Hopper, Photography Editor (
Gregg Marutzky, Advisor
David Pocta, Advisor
Steve Staten, Advisor

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